Thursday, July 10, 2008

Felt Fever!

Yes, I got it! Felt Fever! Lol. Seriously... I went and got some more colors and other goodies I needed at the art store. I also went to the library and got some great ideas from craft books. I told you I was in the "crafty" mood! I just can't wait to start later today with these. I know it'll take me a while but I'll manage to finish somehow, hehe.

Well, I also want to say that I probably won't be blogging for a few days. I have tons of stuff to do at home. Paint my kitchen and redecorate it afterwards, attic cleaning, basement cleaning, and of course, create some felt stuff! So I hope I could come back with some new pictures to show you guys! Thanks for reading. Have a nice day, and weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Yum!!!
I am yet to find polka felt, so envious of your stash lol
have fun