Monday, January 14, 2008

No More Limits

I started school today. I am really excited about my classes this semester. I know I will be enjoying them even if there's assignments, projects or stressful finals! I will be learning and doing what I like! These are my classes for this semester:
Black and White Photography 2, Vector Graphics, PSD Format, HTML, and Interactive Media. Cool huh?

Anyway, I hope that everyone had a nice weekend. I sure did. Specially Sunday. God (once again) spoke into my heart making me reflect on all the wonderful things He has created for me and promised me. Sometimes I must be reminded of all the gifts and potential that I have inside. I sometimes, forget that there's wonderful things for me out there. I have put limitations in my life in which has caused me not to give the best of me and therefore, my abilities to do, or create, are locked inside me. Doubts, rejections, loss of faith and other obstacles take control of what I could offer to others or how I allow my creativity to flow on a daily basis. This weekend I have decided that there are no more limits for me! I will be the best I could be and more....I will succeed in all I do (and create!). I will take chances to be different. I will allow all my ideas to flow and I will put them in practice. If I fail, then at least I could say I tried!

With that said, here's my second week of "The Best Me" challenge layout!

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